Wednesday 14 July 2010

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Contents Page Changes

- I was fairly happy with the way my contents page eventually came together, in relation to my plan. The only large thing I changed was the adding of new articles in the page, because I had large unused spaces across the page.

Finished contents page

Double page Spread Changes.

-I added in page number to the bottom left of the pages, in order to make them look more authentic, as there are very few magazines in the business which don’t include page numbers. I also added the website to the right of it, as this is a common feature in most other magazines.

-I managed to add in a lot more extracts from the article, and blow them up into bigger fonts then I originally planned, which I liked, because it again helped the magazine seem more authentic.

- there was also a large amount of space near the end of the article, so I filled it up with an additional advert for Sparky’s album, and with a small preview of the next issue’s feature.

- There was also a lot of added space underneath the photos, so I decided to add small banners explaining the image to the readers, and decorated them with backgrounds in the same style as those used in the plugs on the front cover.

-Perhaps the largest change was to move the poster of Sparky to the right, and the paragraphs of text to the left hand side of the page. This is because it was hard to tell where the writing continued after the first paragraphs, as it was blocked by a photo. Moving it over to the left helped the audience to read it with ease.

Finished Double Page Spread

Changes to original plan

-The masthead was eventually small enough to allow me to add the “free CD” advert, to the right of it on top of the page, which further fits in with the conventions of other magazines.

- I also decided to put the puff above the masthead on the page, as there was little room to fit it in amongst the other text such as the headline.

-The headline looked too similar to the masthead, so I coloured it black instead of red, and turned the shadow effect red. I also changed the puff, and the “also featuring” line black, as they were drowned out by the masthead.

-On my personal version of Photoshop, the font “Rockwell was not available, so I used “Georgia” instead, as it is very similar. This font would later be used throughout the magazine, including the normal text in the double page spread.

- There was too much room at the bottom of the magazine, so I placed a black banner over the dull area, and filled it with an advert of a competition within the magazine, which would help to draw readers in more than before.

- I also had a lot of extra room left over for additional plugs, which I placed to the left and right of Sparky’s photo, and kept the background colours the same for both of them.

- In the space ledt over directly underneath the masthead, I added a small plug, recalling the issue number of the magazine.

Finished front Cover