Sunday 18 April 2010

Contents Page Design Breif

-The background of the page will be completely white, with no special effects or colours in the background to get in the way of the writing.

-There will, however, be a black border outlined with red travelling around the outside of the page.

-A large photo of two music artists from the feature article of the magazine standing in a city street, one on a microphone, and one with DJ headphones on will dominate at least half of the page.

-Underneath the photo will be a large heading, in the font "Rockwell," saying "Contents." it will be straight, black text, and won't have any special effects or blending options on it.

-Behind it will be a red border, much like that behind the front cover's plugs, which will be faintly striped red and dark red.

-Under this, there will be a heading saying, "New Heights," the name of the feature article, and underneath that will be a detailed description of the article, with the page number underneath. The font will be "Georgia," as it looks similar to Rockwell, but not as extreme in the sharpened edges.

- The other half of the page will be dedicated to the rest of the magazine's contents, with subheadings for "interviews," ""Albums & Shows" and "Reviews," seperating them out.

-In the bottom right corner will be a small sized text reading, "page 3," and in the bottom left will be the magazine's website adress.

-The page numbers of the contents will be on the left, and to the right will be the description of the content.

-The page numbers will be highlighted in alternating green and blue backgrounds, the same as on the front cover.

- Behind the headings will be a red box, similar to that of the "Contents" heading.

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