Monday 19 April 2010

Double Page Spread Design Brief

-The double page spread will be an interview with the fictional DJ, DJ Sparky.

-The interview will concentrate on Sparky's rise to fame, his latest album, what he likes about his stradom, and his views on how Drum & Bass enthusisasts are treated.

-The pages will be split down the middle, with the photographs and text never moving across.

-Each picture will have a black border around the edge.

-Just like the contents page, the background will be plain white, in order to make the text more visible.

-There will be a poster for Sparky's newest album, a photo of him with a group of friends, a picture of him with his MC and another photo, similar to that of the front cover.

-The mode of adress will be friendly and welcoming to the reader, whilst admiring when refering to DJ Sparky.

-There will be large snippets of information taken out of the text, to show the more important parts of the interview. These will be highlighted in alternating blue and green colours, as shown on the front cover and the contents page.

- Just like the contents page, the heading at the top of the page, "New Heights" will have a red background.

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