Tuesday 20 April 2010

Double Page Spread Photos.

Most of the stories that I created for the interview with DJ Sparky in my interview, i had not thought up when I took my photos for my front cover, which was relatively early in comparison to when I actually created the front cover. By the time I had created an MC for DJ Sparky to travel on tour with, I realised that I needed new photos to fit in with the story, so i used my friend Scott to star as the fictional MC, MC Fizzle. I took most of the photos at home, and then used photoshop to merge them into suitable backgrounds. I did, however, take a few photos outside my school to get Sparky and Fizzle out with a group of friends.

This was the photo that i took to show Sparky with a group of friends from his hometown, dubbed, the "Raverz Cru" in the magazine. I wanted to show the group having fun in order to show Sparky's carefree nature, and how close they were as a group.

This was the first group photo i took that went wrong. As seen on the right of the image, a group cannot stand still for 2o seconds without hitting eachother for fun.

This was the origional image that I used for the double page spread. The final photo itslef was cut out, and the pair were placed in front of a wall with graffiti on it in order to fit in with the demographics of the magazine. I like this photo, as it shows the pair in a serious light, and shows the readers that they have eacother's backs.

I also used this image in the contents page, when I created it. I didn't want to use it on the double page spread, as cutting it out was very difficult due to the different angles, and Scott's spiky hair. I eventually reconsidered and put the image on my contents page, although it took me a good hour to cut out the edges. I used this image as I think it works really well to capture the way Drum & Bass is performed, and gives the pair a very cool, aspirational image.

Although i do like this image, it was pointed out by multiple people that the hand signals look as thought the pair are pointing guns at eachother's heads, which would clash with the pair's friendship described in the interview.

I didn't like this image, as the angle that the two are standing looks awkward, and the gesture that they are making looks like a strange handshake.

I was not happy with this mage either, as Scott's face is almost entirely obstructed by his hood.

This is a good image, but i didn't have the room to include it in my double page spread or contents page.

I eventually used this image for the poster for Sparky's album, which is featured in the interview.

The rest of the images were not used, purely because the pair were messing around when they were taken, but I thought I should put them on anyway.

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